
Exploring the Afterlife

How to contact your deceased loved ones

When Bruce taught me to teach his Exploring the Afterlife workshop I had performance anxiety and never did the workshop as long as he was able to travel to Denmark and do them himself. But it felt like a waste not to do something good with what he taught me, so using his method I created a short and simple online (and offline) course on how to contact a deceased loved one. I told Bruce about it and about the people it helped, shortly before he left this earth, and it brought a smile to his heart…

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You talked to a dead person. So what!?

When I hosted Bruce Moen's Exploring the Afterlife workshops in Copenhagen I used to share my own and other participants' experiences on Facebook and in conversations. That often provoked some specific reactions that I would like to comment on.

"No thanks, I'm enjoying my present life"

When I shared links to the workshop, often people who said no to participating also added "I'm choosing to  live in the now", "I'd rather speak to the living" and stuff like that with a wink that told me that th…

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My general view on after-death communications

I have a mission. Well, I have more than one, but this specific mission is to demystify after-death communications. I think there's way too much mystery around Afterlife contact when instead it should be a natural part of life. The Afterlife and Life after Death are actually misleading terms. There is only Life, and the part of life where we are in spirit does not take place after the physical life, but rather during. We are always spirit.

In my view, contacting and communicating with people wh…

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Why participate in a workshop when I can do it all at home?

I wrote this post on my Danish blog a couple of years ago, and at that time it was about my TMI Excursion Workshops, but it actually applies to other workshops - like Bruce Moen's Exploring the Afterlife workshop - as well. In my previous post I shared his method of Exploring the Afterlife, and you can also find it in his books, so if you read any of that, you might be thinking: "Now, why would I participate in a workshop then??"

So here are:

5 reasons why you should participate in a workshop …

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It's so simple that it's hard to believe we're doing it

What plane did he work from? The mental plane? The etheric plane? Which focus level do you have to be in to contact a deceased person? Did he go out of body? Was what he did  actually lucid dreaming? Which Hemi-Sync cd will help me go where he went? Is it better to sit or lie down? What is the best method to go out of body?

These are all questions that might hit you as you read books like Bruce Moen's. We read all these amazing and detailed accounts of his experiences, and some of us begin to…

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Interview with Bruce Moen

Bruce Moen og Anja Lysholm

In 2010 I did this interview with my friend and teacher Bruce Moen.

The questions I asked him was collected from friends and followers through Facebook.

You can hear us talk about stuff like: How come the Afterlife is perceived so differently from person to person? What is the Afterlife like for someone who doesn't believe in one? What is energy? Are there other civilizations out there? And much more.

He also talks about his Grandpa Project - a sort of "telephone" to the Afterlife, which tu…

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Going to Italy - yay!

I've been invited to teach Bruce Moen's Exploring the Afterlife workshop in Italy in February 2019. I have never taught it abroad before - only once for a small group in Denmark where I live - so I'm really excited about this wonderful oportunity.

That is also the reason for this new website in English. So far I've never had the reason to communicate with anyone outside of Denmark about these things, since this is where I've been teaching - in Danish.

But this Monday I was introduced to the …

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